Iamleah Strong Society Canadian Activists Against Racism and the Status Quo

Canadian Activists Against Racism and the Status Quo

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There is a growing list of Canadian activists who are leading the charge against racism and the status quo in the country. These include Erin Gee and Erica Ifill, who were recently talking about race in the media. Both have been writing about politics from an intersectional perspective and have been making a name for themselves in the political scene. They have been a light in a gloomy day for the federal election in 2021.

The Secrets To Canadian Activists Against Racism And The Status Quo

Craig Kielburger is an award-winning social activist and humanitarian. He writes under the column ‘Global Voices’ for the Huffington Post and also contributes to various other outlets, including the Waterloo Region Record, Victoria Times Colonist, and Vancouver Sun. He is the co-founder of Global Voices, and has received more than two dozen honours and awards for his work. Despite his young age, Kielburger is one of the youngest people in the country to be involved in the global social activist movement.

As an activist, Kielburger is a Canadian-born filmmaker. His films are based on interviews with socially active public figures, including actors like Al Gore, Martin Sheen, and K’naan. In 2011, he went to Haiti to document the work of Free The Children, where he met Mia Farrow and interviewed her. The films are also available on YouTube. The first one-hour feature documentary, “The Shameless Idealists,” debuted on CTV in Canada in 2011.

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